But hey the Sherlock isnt enough of a celebrity to be considered..Here are some possible other favorite Miamians who should be considered...Here they are:
Pauli Shore-Anthony Michael Hall-Rob Van Winkle-The leftover Milli-vanilli-Roseanne-should I continue-I mean common what good will it do my Dolphins to have the sisters as my teams owner-what will they be wearing Dolphins colors at the US Open, and at the Lipton or whatever that event will be called this year depending upon what huge company wants to stamp their name on a non-major event. Will they be giving the players tennis lessons and oversee training camp-will they be running drills with the team as I bet a lot of the team would love to see these sista's shake a little ass to get them motivated. I say buy em out...How much!! and stick to tennis!!! as obviously you both had no idea what you were doing with your clothing lines?-